1. Activate a Young Adult Ministry in each Conference of the Atlantic Union.
2. Encourage each church in the Atlantic Union to start a Small Group for Young Adults (18-35) in which praise, prayer, Bible study, and mission are emphasized.
3. Empower a movement of compassion of youth, young adults, kids, and their leaders, who join across Conference lines, to share Christ’s love with the cities of the Atlantic Union (the Method of Jesus).
4. Be 100% involved and supportive in the faces of planning and execution of the New York 13 (NY13) World Initiative for the New York City Metro Area.
5. Have an equipping track in our Atlantic Union or Conferences events for young men and women who would like to be leaders in the church (including Elders & Pastors). So they will understand how the church works.
6. Encourage each local church in the Atlantic Union to appoint at least one, but not limited to 1, Elder under age 35.
7. To work with the Administration of the Atlantic Union and each Conference to promote the participation of Young Adults in relevant Committees, Constituency Sessions, and other official gatherings where young adults may have felt or still feel excluded from. Young Adults must have a voice and a vote in the affairs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, young adults are members too.
8. To hold an annual Atlantic Union GodEncounters Conference
9. To hold inter-conference regional GodEncounters Conferences in certain cities of our Atlantic Union territory (we also encourage local churches to hold GodEncounters).
10. Encourage the attendance and participation of Young Adult and Young Adult leaders at the Just Claim It 3, Ignition for Young Adults, in Greensboro, North Carolina.
11. Encourage Young Adult participation in the annual Cruise with a Mission, led by the Center for Youth Evangelism at Andrews University, and endorsed by the Atlantic Union as our official Young Adult Mission trip.
12. Encourage a large participation of Young Adults from the Atlantic Union in the World Youth Congress in South Africa, 2013.
13. To have an Atlantic Union Adventist Youth & Young Adult Evangelism & Leadership Congress in 2015 with the participation of youth & young adults from all the Conferences in our Union.
14. To facilitate a friendly atmosphere so Adventist Young Adults looking for a serious relationship and future marriage are able to meet and network with other Adventist Young Adults from across the Atlantic Union, North America, and the world.