Purpose of the Adventist Youth Ministries

The stated purpose of the official organization was for “more effectual missionary service.” This resolution was preceded by an impassioned speech by Luther Warren in which he quoted from the messages concerning the societies sent by Ellen White from Australia in 1893 and which he said had been sent repeatedly during the “last eight years.” The quote reads, “Young men and young women, can you not form companies, and as soldiers of Christ enlist in the work, putting all your tact and skill and talents into the Master’s services, that you may save souls from ruin? Let there be companies organized in every church to do this work. Young men and women, come to the work in the name of Jesus. . . . [Unite] together upon some plan and order of action. Let there be a company formed, somewhat after the order of the Christian Endeavor Society.”

From the moment of its foundation, the purpose of the Adventist Youth Ministries has been missionary, a movement to reach youth, young adults, kids, and even adults for Christ. If the youth led component and the missionary and volunteer factors are taken away from the Adventist Youth Ministries, it will cease to exist. As a matter of fact it has done just that in places where it is no longer led by young people and where mission and service are not part of its daily operation.

If you would like to have a solid Adventist Youth Ministries in your church; it must be youth-led and there must be a very strong emphasis on mission and service.


“The Advent Message to all the world in my generation”


“The love of Christ constrains (compels) me”


“Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in the work of the Adventist Youth Ministries, doing what I can to help others and to finish the work of the gospel in all the world.”

GOALS & OBJECTIVES FOR ADVENTIST YOUTH MINISTRY/SOCIETY (Teens & Youth/13 years old – 17 years old)

1. To have an active Adventist Youth Ministries in each local Church of the Atlantic Union, (whether it be an Adventist Youth Society, a Teens Small Group, a Young Adult Small Group, or any other creative ministry for youth and by youth) A total of 535 Adventist Youth Societies or its Equivalent across the Atlantic Union.

2. To provide training and resources to help make each church in the Atlantic Union a “Youth Friendly Church” where youth are welcomed and involved.

3. Encourage each church in the Atlantic Union to start a Small Group for Youth (13-17)

4. To make Service/Mission/Outreach a vital component of any ministry that is related to Adventist Youth. Ministry only within the walls of the church will result in isolation, irrelevance, and sure extinction.

5. To present a new curriculum for Adventist Youth Leadership (Senior Youth/equivalent to Master Guide but with the focus on Youth and Young Adults who are not into Pathfinders, Adventurers, and Master Guides)

6. To celebrate an Atlantic Union Youth & Young Adult Week of Youth Evangelism, where young people preach, every year.

7. To have an annual Atlantic Union Youth Baptism Day. On that day youth would be baptized all over the Atlantic Union.

8. To work together with the Education Department of the Atlantic Union and our Conferences to develop a curriculum, plan, and present an annual Academy Service & Leadership Conference for Adventist Academy students and public High School students.

9. Take a large delegation of youth and young adults to receive inspiration and equipping at Just Claim It 3, in Greensboro, North Carolina.

10. Encourage a large participation from the Atlantic Union in the World Youth Congress in South Africa, 2013.

11. To have an Atlantic Union Adventist Youth Evangelism & Leadership Congress in 2015 with the participation of all the Conferences in our Union.

The Adventist Church Founded by Youth and Young Adults

The Seventh-day Adventist Church was founded right here in the Atlantic Union Conference territory by youth and young adults who were inspired by God, with an open mind, not afraid of tradition and with a vision for the Advent Message to reach the whole world.
James White, from Palmyra, Maine, was 22 when he starting preaching the advent message; Ellen G. Harmon, from Gorham, Maine, was 16 when she had her first vision from God; John Nevins Andrews, of Poland, Maine, was 16 when he started to observe the Sabbath, 21 when he started his ministry in New England, 24 when he was ordained and 38 when he became the youngest President in the history of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Uriah Smith, who was born in West Wilton, New Hampshire, at 23 he became the Editor of the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, at 31 he became the youngest Executive Secretary in the history of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, he served the church for the rest of his life. Rachel Oakes Preston, from Vernon, Vermont, at age 34, presented the Sabbath as the Seventh-day to her church in Washington, New Hampshire. These youth and young adults were so busy founding the Seventh-day Adventist Church that did not have time to think about the Adventist Youth Society.

Adventist Youth Ministries in the Atlantic Union Conference Territory

The Adventist Youth Ministries (AYM) is an active ministry among a good amount of churches across the Atlantic Union Conference. There are many organized Adventist Youth Ministries that meet on Saturday afternoon/evenings and in some cases on Friday nights. The official meeting time varies from church to church. Some churches have done well by following the traditional AYM model. Other churches have opted to have more contemporary and on occasions more informal programs, different settings, and new names in order to make it more appealing to the youth of the church and its community. Some churches have renamed their AYM with the following names: The Cave, Encounters, Upper Room, Escape, among others.
There are also churches, in the Atlantic Union, that no longer have Adventist Youth Ministries, and in some cases there is an AYM, or at least a program, called Adventist Youth Ministries mostly attended by adults, with very few youth and young adults, in rapid decline and in danger of extinction.
The local Adventist Church cannot expect to live and be an agent of salvation and service for its community without an active youth movement. This is the reason why the Adventist Youth Ministries of the Atlantic Union Conference encourages Adventist youth leaders in the local church and its pastors to make of Adventist Youth Ministries a priority. Whether it is the traditional model or another creative model, it is time to plan, strategize, and empower youth leadership in order to strengthen and in many cases recreate the Adventist Youth Ministries in the local church.

Official Names of the Adventist Youth Ministries

1907 Missionary Volunteer Society (MV Society)
1979 Missionary Volunteer Society (MV) was changed to Adventist Youth Society (AYS)
2015 Adventist Youth Society (AYS) was changed to Adventist Youth Ministries (AYM)

Tips for a Great Evangelism Program

  1. Plan to start at a realistic time
  2. Have videos, countdowns, music playing 15 minutes before starting time
  3. Make sure there are some very happy youth & young adults welcoming people at the door
  4. Start on time
  5. Meet with Team 30 minutes before program starts to ask the Holy Spirit for His presence and power through the night.
  6. Great singing, praise and worship is a big thing for youth and young adults (singing is more important than special music because while singing mostly everyone is involved, special music is appropriate but does not involve most people)
  7. Include as many instrument as possible, it is Biblical (make sure they practice before the program and that they are on point).
  8. Ice breakers and gifts help to create a friendly atmosphere
  9. Encourage people to sing, pray, clap, say amen as the program progresses, it is Biblical.
  10. Open the mic for 5 minutes and let people come up and give a brief testimony, while there is a countdown on the screen (this reminds people they have a brief moment for their testimony)
  11. Take time for Prayer (time for individual prayer, reflection, and group prayer is always good, prayer must focus on the needs of the people attending)
  12. Request help from your Pastor and other speakers in your church in coaching the youth & young adult speakers for the week.
  13. Leave 15-20 minutes after the sermon for the Small Groups to have a conversation about what was said by the speaker (if you are using the Cafe Setting, the discussion would happen by tables)
  14. Provide 3 or 4 questions for each group to discuss after the sermon/talk
  15. If possible keep a table with refreshments, snacks, and warm drinks for Cafe Setting (in a church sanctuary setting, you can offer the refreshments and snacks, at the end of the service).


Videos, Music, Countdown 15 Minutes before Starting Time
Icebreaker & Gifts 10 Minutes
Praise & Worship 15 Minutes
Open Mic Testimonies 5 Minutes (Put a Countdown on the Screen)
Session of Prayer 10 Minutes (Different Types of Prayer: Individual, Groups)
Worship Songs 5 Minutes (Theme Song)
Sermon/Talk 20-25 Minutes
Small Group Discussion 15 Minutes (in tables/small groups)
Praise Song & Prayer of Blessing 5 Minutes
*This is a suggested program, feel free to work with your team and be creative. Try to not prolong the program (especially during week nights), try not to go longer than 90 minutes. If time is an issue, feel free to adjust the time, according to the needs of your group, church, and guests.